How big is the snowman? He's the length of a leek this week apparently. My Sprout app says that he can weigh up to 7 lbs at this point on average which is just SO WEIRD.
Total weight gain/loss? 232 up about 10lbs overall from when we transferred. Although if I keep up the super healthy cookie dough diet I've been on lately I can see that shooting WAY up soon.
Maternity clothes? I've reached the point where pants in any form are just not fun. Leggings are better than jeans. My legs are swelling so by the end of the day its hard to get my pants off over my calves, nothing makes you feel better about yourself than seeing the indention of your compression socks pattern in your leg every night.....
Sleep? I'm starting to wake up and not always be able to go back to sleep. Monday morning I woke up at 4am thirsty as hell, drank some water, then realized I needed some tums, then realized that it wasn't just acid reflux it was cramping and maybe some contractions then added in some nausea just for shits and giggles. I was up until about 6ish, fell back asleep till it was past time to go to work and ended up 20 minutes late. So that's how sleep has been going.
Best moment this week? SPENCER GOT A NEW JOB! He will finish out the year at Jason's Deli, and start his new job mid way through January so he will hopefully have 2 full weeks at home with the baby and I. No nights, no weekends, no holidays. I just can't. It's been a great 15 years with Jason's Deli, and I know he's sad to leave. He keeps telling me that this group of employees are some of his favorites, and I know he really enjoys working with his GM too. This is such a game changer for our family though, I'm so excited.
Symptoms? I'm just going to go through ALL the symptoms I can remember having over the course of this pregnancy:
1) Nausea: thought it was gone after 20 weeks but NOPE its randomly coming back now in the 3rd trimester which is just rude really
2) Carpal Tunnel: this one started out not so bad, but holy shitballs has it gotten worse the last few weeks. I can feel my hands about 40% of the time, which is great when you are driving, typing or attempting to you know....use your hands.
3)Tiredness: after the initial 1st trimester has been not too bad, the waking up 4x a night to pee or drink more water (leading to having to pee) has taken its toll on this one though and its coming back.
4) Swelling: started when I was in TX and was mostly situational, lots of heat lots of walking etc. Now its just "oh is it past 2pm, cool I'm swelling". If I get compression socks on BEFORE I swell I can usually keep my ankles in check, but if I'm even slightly puffy I might as well not even bother. I end up looking like this....
5) Achy muscles: If I don't take my natural calm magnesium supplement I notice my legs are just achy and tired. I haven't had any Charlie horses or spasm type cramps though and I'm so grateful. Last night my lower back hurt whenever I walked around, but today its fine. My upper back has been a little sore (my chiro said she can tell I'm compensating for the belly based on how tight my middle and upper back are) but I've been going to get chair and foot massages the last few weeks and its helped SO MUCH. I also told Spence I think I may be getting a touch of plantar fasciitis but hopefully we're so close to the end it will clear up easily after baby gets here.
6) Bathroom issues: my constant companion. Natural Calm and Colace have been life savers. That's all.
Food cravings? I'd like all the sugar please. ALL OF I
Food aversions? If its green, leafy or healthy I'm pretty much not interested.
Gender? team blue!
Labor signs? not as many as I'd like! I think I've been having some "real" contractions occasionally, but honestly I'm not sure. I've had cramping, pressure, and a few times where I've had to stop and be like "huh that hurts lets quit that now", its my first kid I have NO IDEA what I'm looking for people!
Belly button in or out? in...but barely lol. Spence noticed the other night that its clearly almost ready to pop out. I'm still really hoping it stays in bc it'll freak me out if it pops out!
What I miss? its still raw fish and booze.
What I'm looking forward to? I want to hold the baby. I want to meet him and start to get to know his personality. I want to see Spencer as a dad because he is truly going to rock at it.
Milestones? He can literally come at any point and no one would think he was "early". Christmas is next week and we're having my out of town family stay with us for a few nights, so we put up a Christmas tree. I've seen a few of these types of pictures floating around The Bump and wanted to try and recreate it (Isaac was a trooper and totally earned the cookie I was holding at my stomach to keep him on the chair and looking at me lol), Spence and I had a lot of fun putting up the tree, getting the lights up, and having a mini photo shoot. We also stayed up till almost 1am just talking and laughing and him getting to feel the baby move around a lot. It was a fantastic night.
Bump? it's not going anywhere lol. Here are the last 3 weeks of pictures!