
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 20 → Your views on drugs and alcohol

I was raised in a dry household. I don’t remember there being booze in our house at all growing up. I didn’t drink in high school; I didn’t “party” in high school. That being said, I have a wine rack in my dining room that is usually at least half full. I look forward to a glass of wine or beer with dinner to relax after work. I think that things in moderation are wonderful. That being said, I don’t think its ok to drive drunk. I don’t think that being drunk gives people the right to do stupid things and not apologize for them later. I don’t think that alcohol should be a crutch or something that you “need” to get through the day.

Drugs? Well alcohol is a drug, I don’t hate alcohol. I’m a big fan of the prescription drugs I get from the DR when I’m sick. I may have smoked something I shouldn’t have in college, just once. I think that some drugs are worse than others. I think that addiction can ruin peoples lives. I think that its easy to judge people for not having the same views on issues like gay marriage, drugs and alcohol as being closed minded or judgmental.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 19 → What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?

I think that religion can be a very powerful tool. I think that religion has been abused in the past and present to justify some awful things. I think that some of my happiest memories of childhood and high school occurred with my friends at church. I think that Jesus loves me, and you. I think that people get so hung up on the smallest detail of a doctrine that they sometimes miss the overall message of love, peace and hope that the Bible preaches. I think that more people should practice what they preach. I think that instead of judging others so harshly because they are sinners that people should concentrate more on themselves and cut the rest of the world some slack.

I think politics is a game. I think that there is usually more than one right answer to a political problem. I think I’m sick and tired of the negative campaign ads I’ve been watching for the past 4 months. I think that people should not register with a political party when they are 18, your views will change the second you hit a college campus more than likely. I think that most of the country doesn’t understand how our government works and it scares me that everyone can vote sometimes.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 18 → Your views on gay marriage.

It solely depends on if we are talking about a civil marriage or a religious marriage. As far as civil goes I don’t see why its an issue. The state doesn’t recognize the religious ceremony as binding, so I don’t know why gay marriage should be any different than heterosexual marriage from the government standpoint. It’s all about the money to the state, so why not.

On the flip side when it comes to religious ceremonies and marriage I don’t think that anyone should *have* to perform a gay ceremony if they don’t believe its ok. I was raised in a conservative home and church, I was taught from a young age that homosexuality was a sin and wrong. I don’t claim to know everything, but I think my views have been tempered with age. I don’t think that anyone who believes that way should be forced by the state to perform that type of ceremony. But I also don’t think that those people should have any say over what the state does in this case. It’s one of the reasons we have the separation of church and state in the US.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 17 → A book you’ve read that changed your views on something

Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert.  It’s about the western concept of marriage and how its changed and evolved from a business transaction into something romantic.  It really made me take a 2nd look at the way I view my marriage.  I think its something that would be helpful reading for someone who is about to get married.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 16 → Someone or something you definitely could live without.

I could live without the dang woodpecker that has made it his/her mission to eat my house over the past 4 years. 
I could live without feeling like we are strapped for cash on a semi regular basis.  I could live without my knee hurting ALL THE TIME making it painful and yucky to try and train for the Disney Princess Half Marathon that is going to sneak up on me WAY too soon. 
I could live without the vague feeling of guilt that I don’t miss a relationship with my dad, and being sad because if things keep progressing the way they have for the past 27 years he wont get to know any kids that Spence and I have in the future. 
I could live without feeling guilty for things I did more than 7 years ago that I can’t fix or take back, but did learn from.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 15 → Something or someone you couldn’t live without, because you’ve tried living without it.

?????? I am drawing a blank here folks.  Sorry this one is a dud.

Day 14 → A hero that has let you down

When I read this phrase I think of someone who has seriously fallen from grace.  I don’t have that.  My hero growing up was my mom.  I was pretty sure (as most kids are) that my mother was pretty much the smartest, prettiest, most amazing person ever.  She did a great job of sheltering me from the bad things in life when I was younger and making my childhood a pretty great one.  As I got older, I realized that my mom is human.  She makes mistakes, loses her temper and can be *gasp* wrong sometimes.  I don’t see this as her “letting me down” but I do have a more realistic view of her as a grown up than I did as a kid.  I think that’s both normal, and healthy though.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 13 → A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days.

I’m giggling inside just a little bit.  No Doubt, Don’t Speak.  8th grade.  First big fight with my then best friend.  That song SPOKE to me guys.  Totally spoke to me.  I felt quite deep and soulful. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day 12 → Something you never get compliments on.

That I'm funny.  (see above for reference)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 11 → Something people seem to compliment you the most on.

That I’m funny!  (ok just kidding, this is actually a running joke with Spence and I, I think I’m funny.  I think I’m the only one who believes this).  I usually get complimented on making other people feel comfortable and being a good hostess.  I LOVE to have people over, whether it’s for a football game, or a full on dinner party with 4 courses.  I LOVE it.  So I love when people come over to our house and have a good time.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 10 → Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.

I feel like I do a good job of not having toxic people in my life.  This is strange because if you know me I do NOT let go easily.  I am still close with friends I met when I was 5, and organize my sorority pledge class in regular get togethers so that we don’t fall out of touch.  I’m the girl who sits down to really wonder what my ex of 5 years ago is up to, and wishing that it wouldn’t be TOTALLY weird if I called him to find out.    I cant think of anyone currently in my life that I would consider a drain or wish I could “un meet”.  Sorry.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Day 09 → Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.

This is a tough one.  Not because I don’t know who exactly comes to mind, but because I feel like I sound whiney when I talk about this particular relationship.  We have been friends for over 20 years.  One of the friends that as you talk about the future you see in your wedding and your future kids calling “Aunt”.  One day I realized it had been literally months since we had an in depth conversation.  Tried to reach out and start spending time together, and the response was something like: we are in different places now, sometime in the future we may be closer again, but not now.  It was a really difficult moment in my life.  Actually when I read that email I felt like I had been dumped.  We are still not close, and I don’t know if we will be again.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Founders Day!

Well readers today is the founding of Alpha Chi Omega!  To celebrate I decided to devote my post today to some fun AXO facts!
Founded at DePauw University in 1865
Symbol is the Lyre.
Colors are Scarlet Red and Olive Green
Philanthropy is supporting victims of domestic violence

Symphony of Alpha Chi Omega
To see beauty even in the common things of life. 
To shed the light of love and friendship round me.
To keep my life in tune with the world that I shall make no discords in the harmony of life.
To strike on the lyre of the universe only the notes of happiness, of joy, of peace.
To appreciate every little service rendered.
To see and appreciate all that is noble in another,
Be her badge what it may.
And to let my lyre send forth the chords of love, unselfishness, sincerity.
This is to be my symphony

Day 08 → Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit.

I’ve been really lucky in my life.  I really have never had anyone who has made my life miserable.  (well my mom a few times in high school, but in hindsight she was probably right…..).  I have been blessed to really never have that “nemesis” or the mean girl in school etc.  I know I know, you’re gagging right now.  It’s a little Pollyanna isn’t it?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 07 → Someone who has made your life worth living for.

Spencer!  My husband is such a fantastic man.  I am so lucky to have someone as amazing as him. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Miss me?

Well its been a while since I did a normal post!  Sorry!  Life snuck up on me and got crrrrraaaazzzzyyyy.  I think we should be in for a calm spell until the holidays come around though! 
What have I been doing you may ask?  Well I've been doing some training for that half marathon thing I decided to run (although not as much as I should....).  I haven't been running for the past 5 days though.  I have apparently offended a tendon in my left knee and have been going to the chiropractor to try and make it love me again.  We've been doing ultrasound on it to try and soothe it.  I've decided that I've rested it enough though, back to the gym tomorrow morning for me!
Spencer and I have attended several weddings and gotten to see some friends from out of town.  Always a good time and I even have pictures I can post! *disclaimer* I am notorious for taking pictures and never downloading them. 
This coming up weekend is full of fun times, Friday is Alpha Chi Omega founders day.  To celebrate some of my sorority sisters and I are getting together for yummy Mexican food and possibly a margarita or 4. 
Saturday is Beerfest in Kansas City. We are heading up with some of our friends to go sample some beers and enjoy the fantastic fall weather.

PROJECTS: (because I have to have them....)
Before Thanksgiving my plan is to reorganize the 2 extra bedrooms on the main level.  This pretty much entails getting things out of the middle of the floor of one and off the desk in the other so that they are usable in some way. 
I am also planning on revamping our hall bathroom.  Its currently a beige color and not very exciting.  I want to paint it gray and use yellow and orange accents for the shower curtain/towels etc.  I think it will be super cute when I'm done! 
I'll post pictures of all the rooms in their current state sometime soon.  They really need some help!

Day 06 → Something you hope you never have to do.

I hope I never have to lose my mom.  I know that realistically this will occur at some point, but I can still hope right?  My mom has been the only constant in my life and she’s such an amazing woman.  The thought of not being able to pick up the phone and talk to her whenever I need her is something that makes me a little queasy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 05 → Something you hope to do in your life.

I hope that someday I can travel again.  When I was younger all my summer jobs went toward financing my travel plans.  I drove super cheap-o cars and spent 13, 17, 18 and19th birthdays out of the country.  Since becoming a grown up things like mortgage payments, health insurance, car payments etc have cropped up and my traveling has taken a hit.  Spencer and I have gone to Mexico and on a cruise for our honeymoon, but I hope that we can start to budget to save up for  some trips overseas.  I can’t wait to show him some of my favorite places!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 04 → Something you need to forgive someone else for

My dad and I have always had a rocky relationship.  By rocky I mean pretty well non existent for a good portion of my life.  Its caused me some pretty hefty breakdowns over the years, when I was younger I always felt like if I was better that he would have wanted to be around me more.  I remember when I was about 13 I asked him what I’d done as a kid to make him not want to be around me.  His response was that it was just too hard to see me cry when I went back to my mom after a weekend visit, and so he started finding reasons to avoid taking me.  Ouch right?    
As an adult I’ve been working on trying to forgive him for not being around when I was younger, and for not being strong enough to put my needs, as his child, above his discomfort.  We do talk more now that I’m an adult than we did when I was growing up.  I hope that we continue to get closer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 3 --> Something you need to forgive yourself for

I need to forgive myself for cheating on my ex boyfriend.  I can give all kinds of reasons that it happened, but it really comes down to the fact I was really unhappy with myself and too immature to deal with it.  I have felt awful about it since it happened, and have really struggled to realize that I am not the same person I was then and that I've grown up a lot since then.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 02 → Something you love about yourself

I love that I can lose myself in a book no matter where I am.  I've read books on trains, planes, automobiles, boats and any other way of travel.  I've read just about every genre of book in existence, although I am partial to chick lit and historical fiction.  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Anniversary trip!

For our first anniversary Spencer and I went to Table Rock Lake and stayed at Wilderness Club at Big Cedar Lodge.  We had a super fun weekend planned, complete with horseback riding, tennis, hiking and lots of relaxing.  Well we got a trip to the hot tub in on Saturday and then I came down with the worlds worst head cold.  I pretty much just hung out in the room and tried not to suffocate.  Here are the promised pictures of that trip!