
Saturday, April 29, 2017

First Beta Test

Isaac is trying to figure out how long this whole process takes.....

So after you transfer your embryo the next major milestone that every IVF/FET gal waits for is the first beta test.  The beta test is a blood test that shows whether or not there is HCG is your system, HCG is the hormone that you secrete when you're pregnant.  All the other symptoms that I've been having up until now, (sore boobs, very tired etc) are things that the estrogen and progesterone supplements I'm taking can explain.  As of now my body isn't producing these hormones on its own, so these pills, patches and shots are what will sustain the pregnancy for the first few weeks/months until my body realizes that it needs to step it up.

Who doesn't want to start their day with a 2" needle in the booty?

Thankfully my clinic tests 8 days after the transfer, so its not nearly as long of a wait as it could be (the TWW or two week wait, is the time frame that's usually between transfer and testing). One of the things they tell you is that you should *never* use a home test, they aren't usually as sensitive as the blood test so you can get a negative on the home test even if there is HCG in your system.  I waited 6 days without testing, on the 7th day I couldn't hold out any more and POAS (peed on a stick, infertility jargon).  I got my very first positive pregnancy test.  EVER.  In my life.  I did it again this morning and was excited to see that the line was darker, also it showed up right away this morning, yesterday it took about 2 minutes to show up.  This tells me that the HCG is stronger today that it was yesterday, which is a really good sign.    My beta result today was at 62, when I asked the doctor on the 17th where the like to see the starting number at he said "anything in the upper double digits" and then went on to clarify that the first number isn't all that important.  Especially testing so early after transfer the initial figures can be all over the place depending on when the embryo actually implanted and started to secrete the HCG. The important part is that the figures rise on the subsequent tests.

After the initial beta test they re test again 2 days later, then again 2 days later (although in my case it will be 3 days because they don't test on the weekend).  This is just to make sure that the HCG is doubling/rising the way that it's supposed to.  So my fingers, toes, arms and legs are all crossed that when I go back the figures are up to the triple digits!

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