
Monday, May 1, 2017

2nd Beta Test

It's been a tense 2 days at the house waiting for it to be the day of the 2nd beta test.....drumroll please....we more than doubled!  I had 3 FRER tests at home, I used 1 before the 1st beta, 1 the day of the first beta, skipped a day, and used the last one today before the 2nd beta.
The lines keep getting darker which is a good thing for me to see as it (kinda sorta not really) keeps the crazy at bay!

I know it's weird to take pictures of things that you've peed on, and before this whole process I did not think I'd ever be one of those people who took pictures of/kept things that I'd peed on....but let's be honest infertility does some weird things to your head and frankly I'm so excited to keep seeing 2 lines on there for the first time in 33 years that I don't even care that its gross (because it is, I know this). 
I am having some pretty intense cramping off and on, it started on Tuesday right after the first beta and then happened again today.  I'm hoping that its totally normal and nothing to worry about.  I keep hearing people talk about their uterus stretching and twinges etc....I hope that's all this is!

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