
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

We transferred!  As I type this I am officially "pregnant until proven otherwise" which basically means they've transferred the embryo and now we have to wait and see if it implants and results in a pregnancy.  This post won't get published for a while, we're keeping this a little under wraps until we find out if it worked (aka that I'm pregnant).

Getting ready for the transfer, I'm 30 minutes into the valium pill and a little loopy here!

When we saw the photo of our embryo Spence commented that it looks like a snowman, so we've decided to call him/her Snowman/Snowy until we think of a more creative nickname (we don't know the gender yet, so technically embaby could be snowoman, but snowman rolls off the tongue a little more so we're going with that).  The embryologist said that when they defrosted snowy he/she started to expand and grow, so that's an excellent sign!
Spence practicing holding Snowman, he is doing this solely because I was on valium and asked him to, he's a good sport.

Successful transfer!  the blue circled area is where they implanted Snowman
Now that we're pregnant until proven otherwise we are just waiting to go in for blood work to test my HCG level.  I anticipate the days crawling from now until then!

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