
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Cleaning.....

Since the roomie is gone (well she is and her stuff will go today) and I am in full on re-organization mode I spent a good chunk of Sunday cleaning out our hall closets.  I have no before pictures of the closets, because frankly I'm mortified that they got as bad as they did.  For 5 years I literally would just shove things in there and hope no one else opened them.  Seriously any one out there who saw them you know I'm not kidding. Same with the coat closet that got re organized a few weeks ago. So I pulled  everything out and got to work.  The final product is below, sorry for the bad cell phone quality pics, the front hall closet has no good source of light around it.

Closet at the very back, nicely stocked with our recent Sam's Club loot.  In the name of honesty I should point out that the bottom shelf still needs some work.  I have yet to figure out how to fold an electric blanket so it lays nicely.....   The top shelf has some extra sheets, and the wrapping paper/gift bag collection, its organized but not really pretty....

Looking at these (poor quality) pics you'd never know that before this you were in danger of multiple concussions from things falling on you when you opened this closet. 
We have our shelf of disposable cups, plates etc for parties along with our games (bunco and catch phrase and I'll make room for Apples to Apples when I remember to ask M for it back)
and below is our cleaning supplies shelf.  I think I threw away 5 bottles of empty cleaners that had just been hanging out for Lord knows how long.

The next shelf is our home improvement shelf, tools, flashlights, duct tape, light bulbs etc and below that is Georges shelf with some assortment of extension cords, and the "random" stuff I couldn't really categorize. 

The coat closet.  Prior to cleaning it out it was filled with some old Christmas gifts that hadn't found a home, lots and lots of random stuff that had just been thrown in and left to die etc.  I had a friend open it once and I almost died I was so embarrassed.  NO MORE!  Now it houses Spence's P90X stuff our printers (a photo printer and a regular printer) and on the floor is the vacuum.   

Now on to the back bedroom and the guest room....both of which need some serious attention.

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