Then I came home threw on my running shoes and workout gear and grabbed the dog for our C25K workout.....I decided to take some photos on the way to show you our route!
Over the first bridge of the walk, people fish off here ALL THE TIME and so the fishing lures and lines get caught on the power right?
Just trucking along the trail
Some more water, you'd never know I live in a land locked state!
The guy down the street carved this. For fun. Out of a huge tree trunk. With a chainsaw
Seriously, amazing work. But I'm glad its not in my front yard.
Finally back on our street....almost there!
After the run/walk/jog (Spence went out too, but since he is FASTER than me and can run for longer than 90 seconds at a time he went out a little after me and we high fived on the trail) Spence and I rushed around the kitchen and got dinner and dessert ready. (photos of dinner and dessert tomorrow maybe)
What a beautiful route to run!