
Friday, April 15, 2011

The Befores....part 3

Now onto the storage room.  The storage room actually has the least amount of our stuff in it, because for the last 3 years roomie used it as her closet.  I'm calling it a blessing that we don't have *nearly* as much stuff in here as I was afraid we did because I was worried for a minute that we wouldn't have enough room for all the stuff we are storing! 

A lot of the stuff that is in this room currently will probably stay.  From these pictures I can only see a few things that will get sold in the garage sale.  I will say there are some things along the front wall of this room that I didn't get photos of, but ALL of those things are garage sale bound.  They are all the kitchen stuff we cleaned out of the kitchen when we got married and started using our new things! 
My plan on Wednesday night last week was to sort through the boxes you see and start deciding what we will sell and what we will store.  I think there are some boxes of bags (duffel, backpack etc) that we may keep some and sell some, and I have a few boxes of high school/college stuff in there that need to be gone through.

This is a bigger project that I thought!

1 comment:

  1. Oh one of those projects that gets worse before it gets better? Best of luck!
