
Monday, September 20, 2010

Colorado pictures cont.

Well friends we're back with the second installment of the Colorado pictures post! (I know you are all super excited). 
We'll start out with some more pictures of Spencer and I cheesing it upfor the camera. 

Now we got to the lake and decided that we'd walk around it, see the sights before getting back into the car.  MIL, SIL and I were ahead of the boys and we noticed this cutie little duck swimming for the shoreline straight for us.  We assumed that the little duck (hereafter "Ducky") thought we may have food for him.  He waddled up on the shore and walked right up to us.  We didn't have anything for him, but he still just kinda hung around for a little bit until we started walking.....then he followed us!  He walked a little ways, then got in the water and swam along side of us until we stopped again.  When we stopped he got out of the water and milled around us until we started going again.  He got back in the water and swam along side us again!  The little guy followed us almost half way around the lake!  We couldn't help but take some pictures of Ducky while we were walking around!

Last but not least I leave you with a picture of the lake!

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