
Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I had the brilliant idea to try and make pasta carbonara last night.  I found a recipe on (my go to recipe website) and on the way home picked up the ingredients.  The recipe I found was not a true carbonara recipe, no eggs involved.  It did have cream cheese though so I immediately started drooling.  Got home sat on the couch for a little bit and watched Spence finish up his P90X workout for the day and then set about making a meal so dense in calories that we could not eat for 2 days and still not be at a deficit.  Here is the prep in pictures.....I was so excited that once I plated it I forgot to take any more pictures of it!

First we have the bacon.  I was supposed to cook until crispy and then use the bacon grease to cook the rest of the food in.  What I did was cook it till not raw and reserved more than half the grease because there is no way I needed ALL of that! (Neither Spence or I like super crispy bacon, so I cooked it the way we like it and then broke it into pieces once it cooled a little)

On the counter is the rest of the sauce ingredients.  The plate contains, butter, garlic, Parmesan cheese and mushrooms. Then we have a cup of milk and block of cream cheese.  OMG yum. 

I love tortellini and we hadn't had it in ages.  So obviously this meal needed some more cheese and calories so we went with some Bertoli tortellini.

Finally the sauce is done and in the pan. It even looks rich in the picture!

Dinner was a hit and Spence said he really liked it!  On the flip side its something I wont be making for at least 90 days because I promised Spence that once we get back from CO that I will focus on making really healthy meals for dinner so that his P90X work will be more noticeable.  So I'll try and post at least one fun healthy thing I cook a week.  Since I will be cooking them at least 5 days a week that wont be so hard right?!?

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