Yesterday we installed some more of the floors, I love seeing the progress and I cannot wait to see how it looks when we have an entire room done and can really get a vision of how it will look. The curtains I ordered should be in this week as well, I am so excited to see how all of this comes together, and to have time to read a book! I actually went out and bought a few new books yesterday to read; I came to the conclusion I need a break for my sanity! I got a book by Rick Riordan, Big Red Tequila, the first book in the Tres Navarres series to see how I like it since I really enjoyed the Percy Jackson series he wrote; also a book by Jennifer Weiner, Best Friends Forever that I’ve been eyeing for a while.
Last night AnnaB and I got the invites to Megan’s shower addressed and almost ready to go out, AnnaB is getting postage today and some inserts for a game we are planning for the shower as well to include. Yesterday we also finalized the plans for Megan’s bachelorette party; we are going wine tasting in this super cute little town in MO, staying the night in a house we rented out and driving back the next day. I think it will be really fun and a good way to relax a few weeks before the big day!
Let me preface this portion by saying, I got lucky with my in-law's, I really do enjoy seeing them and spending time with them, they are wonderful. My only issue with them is that in the year + that Spence has lived in the house (he moved in when we got engaged Feb '09 and we got married Sept '09) my in-law's have not once come over to the house at all. We have invited them up for dinner on several occasions and every time they say something along the lines of "why don’t you guys come here instead", which we do every single time. Spence asked his dad to come up and help us with part of the hard wood floors tonight, he is good with tools like I’ve mentioned before and we have some intricate cutting that needs to be done for the hallway and closets tonight. Great no problem he will be up after dinner......and so will my MIL and SIL. I am (irrationally I admit) not happy that they have declined to come up every single time we’ve asked when the house was put together and looked nice, but now that the house is in shambles, our stuff is all strewn about, shoved into random rooms and we have scrap wood and sawdust all over the place of course they'd like to come up. I love that they want to help (and do REALLY appreciate it, they are super nice and I know they wont be judging the house and how it looks etc), but I wish that the first time they saw our home it didn’t look like crap.
On a sadder note, a wonderful lady that I’ve known for a majority of my life passed away and we went to the visitation Sunday. It was amazing to see how many people were there to celebrate her life with her family. I saw a lot of people I hadn’t seen since I was a teenager, it was wonderful to catch up with them, but at the same time I wish it had been under happier circumstances. She was an amazing person, and based on the number of people we saw there Sunday she will be very greatly missed.
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