
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow day.....just not for me.

So we went to bed on Sunday night with the forecast of snow.  LOTS of snow.  But lets be honest, the weatherman predicts snow on a pretty regular basis throughout the winter and its really never as bad as they think it will be.  Except for yesterday.  Apparently the snow plowers also thought the weatherman had over promised on the amount of snow the KC area was supposed to get, because they sure were not out overnight clearing things off (at least not in our area).  Spence took off to work at his usual time, and didn't get there until an hour after he was supposed to open the store, oops?  (generally a 20 min drive tops)

I woke up to all my teacher friends posting about how excited they were about their snow day, and I will admit felt some jealousy.  I took some pretty pictures of the snow, I'll get them posted in the next few days....hopefully.

Today, its not snowing anymore, but my friends who had snow days yesterday still have snow days today.  The roads are actually worse today than yesterday because its a whole 7 degrees outside! brrrrrrr......I need some hot chocolate!

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