Since the day I knew that Spencer and I were going to get married and build a life and family together there has been one teensy tiny itty bitty issue. His job. His 55 hour a week, pay that isn't great or bad but just kinda "meh", drains him emotionally and physically job. Now in light of today's economy I am glad that he has a job, please do not misunderstand me. The issue I have with his job is that the hours can be unpredictable, he doesn't really like it at all, and the fact that he doesn't really like it means he is not happy when he gets home from it. Selfishly this cuts into our time together and I get a little jealous of my time with my super amazing husband.
So I have been
nagging pushing gently nudging him in the direction of going back to school to figure out what he wants to do. Over the years there have been lots of ideas thrown about. His dad and I both think he'd be an excellent firefighter (I may be biased since my dad is a firefighter and I kinda like the idea of him working 9 24 hour shifts a month....) but he didn't really take to that idea. OK we'll try again. How about the post office? nope. He looked into teaching, but decided it wasn't his cup of tea. OK no problem, kept looking, and looking and NOTHING seemed to spark his interest.
*Now to any of you who are reading this and saying "jeez just let the guy alone its not like you are destitute* You're right, we aren't, at all. Frankly I know couples who make it work on less than we make, but when you factor in starting a family in the next few years I ran the numbers, we need more than what we have coming in now to keep our lifestyle in what I like to call the "comfort zone".
Well lo and behold he FINALLY found something that he thought he would like to do, radiology technician. It's a technical degree, he would need to take some classes at JCCC (Johnson County Community College) and then apply for the program and would finish at MCC (Metropolitan Community College) and will take about 2.5 years to do it all, assuming he gets into the program. Can I get a "thank you Jesus?" or perhaps a "Hallelujah?" I'd even settle for a "YES!" Hold onto those happy thoughts though.....the saga isnt' quite done yet.
The other
annoying awesome habit that my dear husband is blessed with is the gift of procrastination. So just because he found something he though sounded great didn't mean he was all eager to do it yet. It took about 6 months of me
nagging pushing gently nudging him to get his transcripts from KU, and to actually go enroll. BUT,
as of last night my husband is a student again. I am so happy you guys! Partly because he promised me that he would be in school this semester and I was starting to get worried (classes start in 4 weeks) that I'd have to
kill him be super upset that he broke his promise to me. Mostly though, because I cannot wait to have a husband who does something he cares about, enjoys going to work and isn't stuck in a dead end job that he doesn't enjoy.
*happy dance at the lastnamehere house*
I love how you strike-through the words that we wives are famous for! Congrats on the new student =)