
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Well the test did not go as planned.  As in I planned to pass it. 

I was pretty bummed for most of the day yesterday.  For all my worry I didn't REALLY expect that I would fail.  I studied and I generally pass tests with little to no effort, so since I put in (quite a bit) of effort I thought that it would show.  Not in this case. 

My supervisor and manager are trying to look into what areas I need to study better and *HOPEFULLY* I'll be able to take the test again in about a month.  (and hopefully they will decide that if I'm going to take it in a month that its not worth messing with my paycheck until the next time I take it).

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


In about an hour I take my big test.  This test determines my salary at work, its a big one.  I've studied and printed out all the documents I'm allowed to take in with me.  I'm freaking out just a little bit.  It's not the end of the world if I don't pass this test, its really not.  BUT I'm going to be pretty upset with myself if I don't. 
I'm a tester, I test well.  I excell at multiple choice tests and choosing the correct answers.  Normally.  This test has defeated more people than not, in the stats world, this test is winning.  That makes it a little daunting to me.  BUT I'm trying really hard to focus on the fact that I am an excellent test taker, I have studied for this (although I'm really thinking now that I should have studied more, a lot more, who needs sleep anyway??) and that I will be praying the whole entire time that God will help me recall what I've learned. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Its that day again, the hallmark holiday to end all hallmark holidays.  I'm not a big fan of large gestures on this day, I appreciate them sure, but don't get all huffy if they don't occur.  The first Valentines day Spence and I were together we decided to stay in (I think he thought it was a trap, he probably spent part of the night convinced I was going to freak out) and watch LOST on DVD.  We were right in the middle of the first season and there wasn't really anything else we felt like doing that night.  Spencer needed a new trashcan so I bought him one as the worlds least romantic gift (very practical though, its currently still in use at our house so there).  He proved to be the romantic one and since we were watching LOST he went to Party America and purchased various jungle decorations and decorated the living room to go with the theme.  He also bought me a potted plant to go with the theme instead of flowers.  I was in love.
Our dinner that night was a heart shaped pizza from our favorite local pizza place, Minsky's.  That dinner has become our tradition and I look forward to it every year.
This year our tradition got a little bit of a shake up, I slipped and fell HARD in the parking lot at work today and am still a little groggy from the hit on the head the pavement gave me.  We are leaving for Florida next week and had decided to save all our cash for spending money etc, and I was almost in tears when I saw that Spence had gone out and bought me a small flower arrangement, some dark chocolates and a card.  He said he knew that I was still feeling pretty bad from earlier and wanted to do something to surprise me.  I am so thankful that he is such a wonderful caring man, and I feel so blessed to have him in my life.
I hope you all had a great Valentines day as well, now I'm back to focusing on the Jayhawks....they need to pick it up in the 2nd half, or I will have a very unhappy Valentine on my hands!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Every now and again its good to go through and get rid of the clutter. Over the past 5 years we've had a lot of roommates in and out of the house.  Some stayed longer than others, and some we didn't really see on a regular basis (those were my favorites I won't lie).  When they all moved on to new places of residence inevitably some things got left behind.  In the kitchen.  Especially in the fridge and freezer.  So as time has gone on more and more things have been living in my freezer, and the fridge too, but mostly the freezer.
Hana (the current roommate) has found a new place of residence starting April 1.  As soon as she told us she had a final move out date I started the purge process.  Finally I can see everything we have in the fridge and freezer.  Finally I know exactly what is living in my kitchen and who it belongs to.  You may wonder why it took so long for this to happen, and I do too.  But now that its started I'm really excited to start to purge through the other rooms in the house.  Maybe Hana can use some of it in her new place, most of it will likely get sold in the neighborhood garage sale this year.

I have started looking for new furniture as well, we will (for the first time EVER) have use of both floors in our house and as a result will need some new couches for one of the living rooms.  My only requirement is that we have a sleeper sofa.  My favorite memories as a kid were sleepovers in the living room on the pullout couch and I'm excited to have sleepovers as a grown up in my own living room.  (Totally aware I'm a dork, and totally 100% OK with it).
I'm done for now, but expect more coming about how the house is shaping up this spring and all the fun changes!

Friday, February 11, 2011

New Years and Beyond!

 New Years was a loooonnnngg night.....

I look a little manic here don't I?

And then the camera took a vacation till last weekend when we went bowling with friends.

Allie, Me and Megan

Spencer and Cole, the bromance continues

The other half of the group, Anna and Domenic, Brook and Shawn and then 2 of Domenics friends

All the girls! Allie, Anna, me, Megan and Brooke

Fruity drink for Domenic!

Domenic and Anna

The Smarts....well former Smart (Megan) and the current Smarts Allie and Cole

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Other than the snow heres whats been going on...

We attended a "tacky sweater" party.  I made our shirts and we were Christmas Trees.  Super fun night with some of our best friends!  Santa and the elves even came for a visit.

We went on another Boulevard tour with some of our friends, always a good way to spend a Saturday afternoon!

We had some holidays in there too.  The night before Thanksgiving some of my high school friends and I get together for a girls night.  This year we went to a dinner theatre and saw a show!

 Christmas came next....

stay tuned for New Years and Beyond!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snowpocalypse. Snowtorious B.I.G. Snowmageddon.

This is the road down to our house during the first snow storm. Looks fun right?

Same road, I really do love our street in the winter, it can be treacherous but its so pretty!

My windshield wiper came off on the way home!  Spencer is a trooper and fixed it though

Our home in the snow, from this picture you'd never know we live in the 'burbs would you?

Doesn't this make you want to go for a drive?

This tree is over half way under snow. HALF WAY. 

When the weather starts to get like this George doesn't really care where he long as he can get back in quickly!

Monday, February 7, 2011

upcoming picture post

I have been a bad bad blogger lately.  Stay tuned later this week for a post filled with photos of what we've been up to for the last month.  Complete with snow days, bowling, friends and the like.