
Thursday, November 30, 2017

35 weeks

How far along? 35 weeks and 1 day....I've been a slacker on posting.
How big is the snowman? Butternut Squash 
Total weight gain/loss?  I'm up a total of 5 lbs from when we transferred him, my stomach keeps on growing and I'm measuring ahead of 35 weeks based on that so I'm not worried and no one at the dr office seems to think this is anything to be worried about.
Maternity clothes?  I'm not buying any more, I've got enough shirts and 2 pair of jeans to get me through till the end I think!  However, I am on the hunt for some comfy slippers that can double as real shoes bc I'm pretty sure wearing flip flops is going to get old soon!
Sleep?  2 nights ago I was up till 1am and then woke up at 6 which was more than a little annoying.  Overall though, still no real sleep issues!  Up multiple times a night to pee but still able to go back to sleep after. 
Best moment this week? hmmmmm over the last 3 weeks we had 2 baby showers!  My friends are the sweetest and we felt the love at both of them!  We also houseguests over the Thanksgiving holiday including their adorable 13 month old, who helped us identify the areas of our living room that are most in need of baby proofing lol.  The BEST moment of the last few weeks though is finding out that one of my best friends from high school is expecting and due in May!  She is going to be the best mom and I'm SO happy for her and her hubby!
Symptoms? I had some major swelling the other week (Nov 17 it started).  Like my (not dainty) calves went all the way down to my feet which had toddler fat rolls on them.  It came on really quickly and freaked me out. Of course it started on Friday evening and kept up all weekend, I called my OB and got in to see them on Monday, my blood pressure was still good, although higher than it was the week before, and they did some blood work and tests for pre-e just to be on the safe side.  All that came back was my iron was almost low so I'm a mild supplement for that now.  There was talk of me having to do a 24 hour urine test, which is where you have to pee into a jug for 24 hours....that sounded, terrible, its the only word.  I'm very grateful to avoid that particular test!  I lived in compression socks and somehow managed to up my water intake which seems to have taken care of the issue for now.
Food cravings?  still no real cravings, hummus and pretzel chips have sounded good lately....
Food aversions?  still none either,
Gender? team blue!
Labor signs? Braxton Hicks contractions have started up, nothing too bad thankfully, and I'm noticing more pressure on my pelvis which I hope means he's moving that direction!
Belly button in or out? its still in, I think it will stay that way??? (crosses fingers)
What I miss? its still raw fish and booze.  Although, I did have a glass of wine a few weeks ago.  It was heavenly.  It was a small glass, I sipped it and there are studies that show it can actually be beneficial in small doses when you get this far along.   
What I'm looking forward to?  I want my house put back together.  I've been on a closet purging kick lately.  I'm really into throwing all our stuff away to make room for ALL the stuff a baby needs.  The storage room has been mostly cleared out, (and moved to the garage) and I just need to get some shelves in there to organize stuff and store things that we don't need right this second but will in the next few months. 
Milestones?   I feel him moving downward which is kind of cool,
Bump? it's not going anywhere lol.   Here are the last 3 weeks of pictures!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks
How big is the snowman? He's a tub of popcorn this week 
Total weight gain/loss?  last week at my dr appointment I was up to 225, so I've officially gained from where I was when we transferred the snowman/tiny terrorist.  I've not weighed myself this week, stomach is bigger, the rest of me feels pretty much the same so I'm not too worried about it.
Maternity clothes?  I bought a super cute shirt for Thanksgiving that says "thankful and blessed" on the stomach
Sleep?  still no real sleep issues, I'm up 2-3 times a night to pee but haven't really had any issues falling back asleep after.  I'm EXHAUSTED after work and staying up until 10pm is a struggle, but I notice if I go to bed much earlier than that I do have issues falling back to sleep after my 3am pee break.
Best moment this week?  Last week I started my new job!  My work view has gone from this...

 To this.....

Symptoms? still not pooping on the regular.  It's still not fun.  The exhaustion from the first tri is back, although I can function so its not quite 1st tri bad I guess.  Mild heartburn, but 2 tums takes care of it right away. 
Food cravings?  still no real cravings, I'm eating cereal for dinner quite a bit but that's more of a lazy issue as opposed to a "omg have to have it" issue.
Food aversions?  still none either,
Gender? team blue!
Labor signs? Braxton Hicks contractions have started up, nothing too bad thankfully
Belly button in or out? in, at this point I'm pretty much hoping it stays in.....
What I miss? its still raw fish and booze.  I don't really see this changing.  
What I'm looking forward to?  We're SOOOOO CLOSE to getting the nursery done.  We have the recliner, the dresser, cradle my dad built and crib for after he outgrows the cradle.  As soon as we get things up on the wall we'll be done with what we can do.  The walls still need to be painted, but that is getting done by the professionals sometime between now and mid Dec so I am not too stressed about it.
Milestones?   is it weird to consider BH contractions a milestone? it makes me realize that we're actually getting really close to meeting this little guy!
Bump? it's not going anywhere lol.   Here are pics from this week and last week when I was a slacker and forgot to update lol! (excuse the crazy eyes in the 32 week picture, it was early and I was a little manic trying to not look all sleepy eyed squinty lol)