The main thing we want to do before we start a family is take one big blow out Europe trip. I was a little bored at my new job when I first started and sat down and planned a 3 week trip. 3 weeks. That trip will take us a while to save for. I'm OK what that for now, I know that we aren't ready to be parents quite yet. The trip I have planned will be totally worth it though. A good mix of tour and individual travel, we will be able to see a TON in a short period of time. Now we just need to get to saving.....
On another note about the baby/parent/family starting issue:
I think part of the reason I am hesitant to try and start a family is I'm not sure it will be an easy process for us. Earlier this year I was diagnosed w PCOS, which pretty much means that my ovaries do not produce a mature egg to be fertilized. Instead they produce lots of non mature eggs that turn into cysts. When they diagnosed me the cysts had blocked my tubes so that even if a mature egg had formed it couldn't have gone anywhere. It's scary to me because until we start to try for a family we won't know how big of an issue this could turn out to be. It might be something that is simple and a non issue, or it could be something that makes the process drag out and costs us tons in medical bills.
Maybe you couldn't tell from reading here, but I'm a little type A. I like my lists, I like to know whats going to happen and when. This whole not knowing till it happens thing kinda freaks me out. OK really freaks me out.
So that's my big emotional pour out for this month.